The ONLY proven Purple Plates to TRANSMIT Life Force Energy- The PRANA.
Designed for Life Long use on Human,Animals and Plants.
Purple Energy Healing and Reviving Plates are Trans-receivers of Life Force Energy and transmits the same to the users- human, animals, Birds and Bees and plants or whatever that comes in contact except Metals. They HEAL almost everything from common cold to Cancer and the only Natural TOOL to guard against EMR.
Relieves Asthama, Cardiac Problems, Migraine, Spondilites, Sciatica, back pain, fibromyalgia, stress and depression, etc, within 20 minutes and guards against the deadly electro-magnetic-radiation.
Simply place the plate on the painful part for about 20 minutes and let colors and vibrations do the job naturally.
Purple Positive Energy Plates and Disks can be placed in and around your home; childrens school bags,office and workplace to keep you and your family protected from all forms of harmful energy like pollution leading to ASTHAMA and, EMR and Geo Pathic Stress, etc
Just by carrying Purple Energy Plate in your pocket will increase the personal energy level, ease the pain and protect you from electro magnetic radiation in the environment and from emr producing equipments.
Also Revive, Energise and MULTIPLY your BEES and PROFITS every Second MONTH !!!
Just place the Life Force Energy transmitting plate at the Entrance of your weakest HIVE.
Now your injured, hit by Electric Cables, Dehydrated,effects of Pesticides and Radiation and “DYING and UNCONSCIOUS” Birds, Bees and Butterflies can be REVIVED, ENERGISED within seconds and then they gather more pollen and foods and MULTIPLY in a healthy manner.
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